Bobbie McGrath

North Carolina

Successful Staging, LLC

Location: United States

Additional Services:

Photo Prep, Staging Enhancement, Selection Services, Two Hours of Power

Website | Instagram

Bobbie McGrath of Successful Staging is a multi-award winning home stager, longtime educator and creator of the award winning Occupied Consultation Specialist® training program. After serving in several local industry organizations, Bobbie is currently fulfilling her role as an elected member of the RESA National Board of Directors. Since 2004, Bobbie has focused on the “why” behind her staging recommendations. Her education focused system allows sellers, agents and fellow stagers to harness the substantial marketing position a properly staged home creates. Having staged and/or consulted on well over 8,000 properties, Bobbie’s secure foundation of comprehensive occupied consultations is firmly established. She has personally navigated several corporate relocations and genuinely understands the countless challenges of selling. Bobbie’s consistent focus on starting with what the seller already owns (which is an art unto itself) fosters an atmosphere of trust with her sellers. This trust leads to a consistent follow through with her recommendations and the success they experience when following her guidance. She is instantly recognized for her often quoted, “Staging is not about making a house look pretty; it’s about making it marketable!” Known for her way with words, she shares practical and time proven techniques to navigate the oftentimes complex and sensitive world of occupied stagings!