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On today’s show, I answered listeners’ questions on social media marketing for their home staging businesses. Here are the questions:
I really just don’t know how to market to the realtor. I think I am a little intimidated by them. I always think they are too busy to entertain what I have to offer.
I am just starting a home staging business. I’m a graphic designer and this will be another revenue stream for me in the “visual arts” arena. I love interior design, have done only 1 job so far with a realtor (for free – for experience!) and have staged a couple friends and families homes for sale. I’m wanting to know how to properly network starting out – how do you get your first “real” paying job when you are just building business/inventory. How do you get the realtors to give you a chance when first starting…
I’m stuck when it comes to making presentations at real estate offices and getting myself in front of agents. I’ve done almost no marketing so far and have been lucky to get referrals… but when the slow times come I know I need to be putting more time into marketing. Then I get overwhelmed where to start (this is least favorite part of the business for me, so it is the easiest to put as last on my “to do” list). What are 3 most effective ways to reach realtors?
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